

 『知音』合唱團的宗旨是通過合唱的訓練和演出活動,使團員學習到正確的歌唱方法,提高音樂修養,在追求合唱藝術的完美中享受美好的人生.在音樂總監,指揮談柏年先生指導下,團員們孜孜不倦地努力學習,互相幫助,團結友愛.歌聲笑聲交織在一起,抒發著知音合唱團和諧的精神.在各屆團長和團員們不懈的努力之下,知音合唱團每年都有出色的表演.尤其是2005年六月『知音』與『青青』,『愛樂』等合唱團, Nova Vista 交嚮樂隊聯合演出,由談柏年老師担任音樂總監及指揮的『黃河之聲』音樂會,取得圓滿成功,獲得一致好評.


知音合唱團每年有春秋兩個排練季節,東灣分南灣分團每週排練一次,還不定期舉辦專題講座,歡迎有興趣參加的朋友與團長郭素梅(415-393-6500),或與指揮談柏年 (925-689-1686)聯絡

Zhi Yin Singers 

Mr. Bainian Tan, the renowned tenor and vocal educator from Shanghai Philharmonic founded Zhi Yin Vocal Music Center, a registered nonprofit organization, in July 1997. In the same year, enlisting the students from his voice studio, Mr. Tan established Zhi Yin Singers, an affiliation of Zhi Yin Vocal Music Center. The objective of Zhi Yin Singers is to raise members’ music appreciation and awareness by learning the fundamentals of choral singing and vocal production. In addition to singing, Zhi Yin Singers’ activities include master classes, music appreciation events, workshops on various vocal music topics, as well as field trips to music events.

Zhi Yin Singers is fortunate to have the founder, Mr. Bainian Tan, as the Music Director and Conductor. Our group holds an annual concert and also performs at various community events and retirement homes. We perform everything from show tunes to pop songs, Chinese and American folk music, and classical pieces. In June 2005, along with the Silicon Valley Ai Yue Chorus, Ching Ching Chorus and Nova Vista Orchestra, Zhi Yin Singers performed “The Voice of Yellow River Concert” before an audience of 2500 with Mr. Tan as the Music Director and concert Conductor. Our singing inspired the audience in ways that could not be anticipated, and our performance was praised with “a very high level of musicianship” and "the energy was amazing and the sound was beautiful". 

Zhi Yin Singers is composed of vocal music lovers with a wide variety of backgrounds and professions. To accommodate members coming from the entire San Francisco Bay area, Zhi Yin Singers consists of two chapters with one at Danville and the other at Cupertino. To oversee the overall operation of the Zhi Yin Singers, an executive director is elected each year. Su-Mui Kuo currently holds this position. 

Zhi Yin Singers’ season extends from September through June with a few weeks off during holiday seasons. The group holds weekly practices on Friday evenings and Saturday afternoons at Cupertino and Danville, respectively. New members are always welcome. For those interested in joining the Zhi Yin Singers, please contact the Director, Mr. Bainain Tan at (925) 689-1686 or the Executive Director, Su-Mui Kuo at (415) 393-6500. Please also visit our website at www.zhiyin.org.